What is Syllabus?

Posted by Sidenz | 5:44 PM | | 0 comments »

What is Syllabus?

Syllabus is the list of subject or description of content of the course. The actual components of the list may be either Content items (words, structure, topics), or Process ones (tasks, methods). Another characteristic of syllabus is that it is the public document. It is available for scrunity not only by the teacher who are expected to implement it, but also the consumer (the learner or their parent or employers)

Characteristic of Syllabus
1 Consists of a comprehensive list of:
- content items (word, structure, topics)
- process items (task, method)
2 Is ordered (easier, more essential items first)
3 Has explicit objectives (usually express in the introduction)
4 Is a public document that is available for examination
5 May indicate a time schedule (eg: how much time use need to spend on unit)
6 May indicate a preferred methodology or approach
7 May recommend materials (eg: required to use Whiteboard, Marker, Paper,..)