The characteristic of Good language learner

There are many different types of characteristic of good language learners.
Below are the characteristic of good language learners:

Positive Attitude: They have positive attitude about the language they want to learn and about speakers of that language.

Strong personal motivation: They have strong personal motivation to learn the language

Confident: They are confident that they will be successfully learners.

Prepared to risk making mistakes: They are prepared to risk making mistakes and they learn from the mistake that they make.

Like to learn: they like to learn about the language

Organize their own practice of the language

Find the way to say things: they find the way to say things that they do not know how to express correctly

Get into situations: They get into situation where the language is being used and they use the language as often as they can.

Work directly: they work directly in the language rather than translate from their first language.

Think about their strategies : they think about their strategies for learning and remembering. And they consciously try out new strategies.