There are 6 elements of Tool of Inquiry:
1 Social Theory:Theory is an explanation of phenomena. Social theory is an attempt to explain social phenomena. It attempts to answer question how and why.
Exampl: Why did the increasing percentage of American children attend school for increasing length of time?
Explaination to the issue:
- Rise in democratic sentiment
- Greater potential mobility
- Decrease dependence on child labour both on farms and factories
- The need for adult workers for specialized skills and workforce behavior.
2. Schooling:Schooling simply refers to the total experiences that occur within the institute called school.
- Course and Programs of Study
- Extra-curricular:
+ Sport
+ Club
+ Socialization at school
3. Training:Training is describe as a set of experience provided to some organism in an attempt to render its response predictable according to the goal of the trainers.
4. Education:Education is the process by which people acquire knowledge, skills, habits, value, or attitudes. The word education is also use to describe the result of educational provess. Education should help people become useful members of society. It should also be help them develop and appreciation of their cultural heritage and live more satisfying lives
5. Political Economy:Political Economy is an old fashion concept which include the social, cultural, economic, political, and demographical arrangement in society. To study the political economy of a particular society is to examine how that society is organized.
6. IdeologyIdeology is an interpretive lens that social looks through in order to organize its experiences. It refers to belief, value systems, and understanding of social group.